ATRDiag.exe Command Line Reference

You can use the ATRDiag command line utility to manage licensing issues related to the login-based license management and authorization-to-run (ATR) features.


ATRDiag -dumpATR -showAll -showVerbose -product ["Tableau Desktop"]["Tableau Prep"]["Tableau Server"]

-subProduct {subProduct} -version {version} -setVersion {version}

-container -serverDataPath {path}

-log [Trace][Debug][Info][Warn][Error][Fatal][Off] -status -deleteAllATRs

-deleteInvalidATRs -deleteATR {atrIdToDelete}

-enableATRFeature -disableATRFeature -enableLBLMFeature -disableLBLMFeature

-requireLBLMFeature -setDuration {seconds}

Note: All ATRDiag options are case-insensitive.



Display a valid authorization-to-run (ATR) on the command prompt (if present). Use -version/-product/-subProduct/-version to control which ATR is dumped if more than one is valid.


Enumerate the contents of the registry to see available ATRs.(some of which might not be valid).


Enumerate the contents of the registry and use -version/-product/-subProduct/-version to provide per-product.

-product ["Tableau Desktop"]["Tableau Prep"]["Tableau Server"]

Defaults to "Tableau Desktop". Must specify "Tableau Server" to display Server ATR.

For example: atrdiag -product "Tableau Server"

Command prompt window with attributes details.

-subProduct {subProduct}

Defaults to "Professional".


Container mode, only for Tableau Server. Must specify -product "Tableau Server".


The location of Server data under Container mode. Defaults to "/var/opt/tableau/tableau_server/".

-version {version}

No default; a valid value for this field is "Tableau 2021.1".

-setVersion {version}

Persist a default value for -version.

-log [Trace][Debug][Info][Warn][Error][Fatal][Off]

Display ATR log information.


Provide ATR feature status (enabled or disabled), the license server, and dump the ATR.


Remove all ATRs present on the machine.


Remove all invalid ATRs.

-deleteATR {atrIdToDelete}

Remove an ATR by ID.


Turn on the ATR feature. Must run as an administrator. For use on Tableau Desktop only.


Turn off the ATR feature. Must run as an administrator. For use on Tableau Desktop only.


Turn on login-based license management (LBLM). Must run as an administrator.


Turn off login-based license management (LBLM). Must run as an administrator.


Set the login-based license management (LBLM) feature to required. Must run as an administrator.

-setDuration {seconds}

Set ATRRequestedDurationSeconds to seconds. Must run as an administrator.

Global Options

-h, --help


Show the command help.