Performance of Flow Runs

Use this view to see the performance history for all the flows on a site. You can filter by Flow Name, the Output Step Name, Flow Owner, Run Type (Scheduled or Ad Hoc), and the time the flow runs were started. For information about other administrative views available for flows, see Monitor Flow Health and Performance.

An administrative view showing the flow performance over time. Each point on the chart corresponds to a specific flow run, displaying the flow name, output step, flow owner, run type, and start and end times.

Here are some questions you can answer using this view:

  • What flow tasks are currently scheduled? – To do this, use the Start Time filter and select the time frame you want to look at. For example, to see flow tasks that are scheduled in the next 3 hours, select Hours -> Next -> and enter 3.

  • What is the duration of flow tasks? - To answer this, click on a mark in the view and you should see details including the task duration.

How many flows were run ad hoc, and how many were scheduled runs? - To answer this, use the Run Type filter and select Ad hoc or Scheduled.

Note: This is not functional in this release and will not actually filter the data.

In addition to the questions described above, here are some examples of insights you might be able to gather:

  • The flows that are running most frequently will have the most marks.

  • To see how many flows are running at the same time currently, hover over a mark that shows “In Progress” or “Pending and selectKeep Only” to filter all flow runs that are currently running.

  • To see how many flows are running at the same time during a specific time range, select a range for the Start Time filter. For example, you can choose “Next three hours” to see which flows will be running in the next three hours.