Background Tasks for Non Extracts

The Background Tasks for Non Extracts view displays tasks that the server runs that are not related to extract refreshes. For example, edited OAuth connections, subscription notifications, and so on.

A time-series chart displays the tally of accomplished and aborted background tasks within the past 24 hours, while a comprehensive table itemizes each task and its frequency of execution.

A table lists the tasks that ran in the time range specified. Click Success or Error to filter the table based on status. Select a specific task in the How Many Tasks Succeeded or Failed on this Site table to update the What Background Tasks Ran on this Site graph for the selected task.

Tasks can have a status of success or error. For details about the task, use your mouse to hover over the success or error icon.

Icon Description
Admin view error icon. Error—Server was unable to complete the task.
Admin view success icon. Success—Server completed the task.

Details that you can see about the task are its ID, status, priority, when it was created, started and completed. You can also see its runtime: the total run time of the background job, which includes the run time of the job plus background job overhead such as initialization and cleanup. You can also see which backgrounder the job is running on.