Build a Combination Chart

Combination charts are views that use multiple mark types in the same visualisation. For example, you may show sum of profit as bars with a line across the bars showing sum of sales. You can also use combination charts to show multiple levels of detail in the same view. For example, you can have a line chart with individual lines showing average sales over time for each customer segment, then you can have another line that shows the combined average across all customer segments.

To create a combination chart, follow the steps below:

  1. Connect to the Sample - Superstore data source (if necessary, you can download it from the Tableau Public sample data page).
  2. Navigate to a new worksheet.
  3. From the Data pane, drag Order Date to the Columns shelf.
  4. On the Columns shelf, right-click YEAR(Order Date) and select Month.>

    Filter menu with the Month option selected and highlighted.

  5. From the Data pane, drag Sales to the Rows shelf.
  6. From the Data pane, drag Profit to the Rows shelf and place it to the right of SUM(Sales).
  7. On the Rows shelf, right-click SUM(Profit) and select Dual-Axis.

    A line chart with the context menu expanded and Dual Axis option selected.

    The view updates. Measure Names is added to Colour on the Marks card to differentiate the lines.

    A viz of a line chart that displays profit and sales by month, with profit shown in blue and sales shown in orange.

    Note: Some marks can be hidden behind others. To move the marks forward or backward, right-click one of the axes in the visualisation and select Move Marks to Back or Move Marks to Front.

  8. On the SUM(Profit) Marks card, click the Mark Type drop-down and select Bar.

    Marks card with the Sum of Profits mark selected and a dropdown menu expanded with the bar chart option selected.

  9. In the visualisation, right-click the Profit axis and select Synchronise Axis.

    Bar chart with context menu expanded and the synchronise axis option selected.

    The view updates to look like this:

    A viz that displays profit and sales by month, with profit shown in blue bars and sales shown in an orange line.