Move Marks

In a dual-axis view that contains many marks, some marks can become hidden behind others, making it difficult to see details in your view. Tableau provides a Move Marks option to move selected marks forward or backward, depending on the axis that you select.

To move marks forward or backward, right-click on one of your axes and select one of the following options:

  • Move Marks to Front
  • Move marks to Back

Example - Move marks forward

In this example, suppose you have a view that uses the Circle mark type on a dual axis and shows department Sales and Profit for each Category.

The shape of each mark represents Sales and Profit, while Category is encoded as Colour. The right axis represents the Sales mark, while the left represents the Profit mark.

Because the profit marks are in front, it is difficult to see the Sales marks in the Office Supplies category.

To move the Sales marks in front of the Profit marks, do the following:

  1. Right-click on the Sales axis.

  2. Select Move marks to front from the context menu.

    Axis context menu with option to move marks to front selected.

    By moving the Sales mark to the front, you can now see that rubber bands are below $100,000 in sales, whereas they were nearly invisible before.

    A scatter plot and a bubble chart displaying profit and sales data, categorised by product and sub-product lines. A callout box draws attention to the specific figures for Office Supplies.