Tableau Content Migration Tool Settings

The Tableau Content Migration Tool default settings work in most cases, but you can change these if you need to, or if you are working with Tableau Support and they ask you to make changes.

To view or update the Content Migration Tool settings:

  1. Open Content Migration Tool.

  2. Click Help > Settings. The Settings dialog opens:

    Advanced tab of the Settings window showing advanced options for the content management tool.

    Diagnostics—Click Open Log Folder to open the logs location. Here you can view the logs, and zip them up if you need to send them to Tableau. For more information, see Tableau Content Migration Tool Log Files.

    Select Enable Network Tracing if you are working with Support and they ask you to include a network trace in the logs. This applies until you clear the option or restart the Content Migration Tool.

    Security—The encryption key is automatically generated on installation. If you change the encryption key, any migration plans with embedded passwords that were created with the previous key cannot be opened. If you have multiple installations of Tableau Content Migration Tool and want to share migration plans, you need to make sure the encryption key used by each instance of the tool is the same.

    Migration Scripts—By default, a warning is displayed when running a migration plan that includes migration scripts or executables. Other users can edit these files, so verify that they’re safe before running the migration. Toggling this setting on and off will also update your warning preference for the console runner. For more information, see Using the Tableau Content Migration Tool Console Runner.

    Tuning—In almost all cases you can leave these set to the defaults. If you are working with Support, they may ask you to change these settings.

    Temporary Files—Select a location for temporary files if you want to change the default. This is the location where content is copied during a migration. You may want to change this if the default location does not have enough space to temporarily hold migrated content.

    Networking—Selecting Allow Legacy HTTPS Connections gives you the ability to connect to Tableau Server installations running with older HTTPS configurations (for example, SSL v3). This is not recommended.

Who can do this

Typically, the tasks listed above can only be done by a user with Administrator access on the machine where Content Migration Tool is installed.