Auto-save Workbooks
In Tableau Cloud, Autosave saves the edits that you make to a new or existing workbook while you work.
How does Auto-save work?
As soon as you start making changes to a new or existing workbook, we’ll start to autosave the changes to a private draft version of your workbook. When you’re ready to share your changes with others, use Publish to replace the last published revision with your draft.
Note: Auto-save doesn’t automatically save every type of change, such as specific types of assets. In these cases, you’ll see a notification that you must Publish your workbook to save your edits.
Workbook file size
Auto-save is available for workbooks that are smaller than 5 MB. You must Publish to manually save changes for larger workbook files.
What if multiple users edit the same workbook?
When more than one user works on the same workbook, each user’s edits are associated with and saved to their own private draft. When you begin to edit a workbook, you'll receive a notification if the version you're working from has a published revision from another user. You're then offered a choice to either discard your draft and edit the current revision or to resume editing your private draft.
Warning: You won't receive a notification if another user publishes a revision after you've begun your edits to your private draft. If another user publishes their draft before you publish your version, your changes will overwrite theirs.
You can check the workbook Revision History to see when the workbook was last published. From the revision history, you can choose to Preview a revision or Restore a previous revision. For more information, see Work with Content Revisions.
If you choose to discard your draft to edit the current revision, the draft and associated asset files that were uploaded are deleted. To retain assets and edits that you made in your private draft, you can manually incorporate the edits of other users into your private draft. Then, publish the workbook with both sets of changes.
Permissions requirement
Auto-save is available to Creators and Explorers (can publish) with web editing capabilities at the workbook level. If a user has web editing capabilities at the view level only, Auto-save won’t be turned on.